Dr. Robert Boyd Cannon Jr.

Dr. Robert Boyd Cannon Jr.

Dr. Cannon’s career path and professional interest detail a small portion of my passion for criminal justice and education. I recently completed my doctoral studies in Criminology to further my Master of Arts degree in Criminal Justice. Although Criminology is my first passion, I dedicated a portion of my love to the field of education; receiving my Bachelor of Arts degree in Secondary Education with an emphasis on Social Studies. With great fortune, I was allowed to devote nearly seven years as an educator and ten years in the correctional justice system. After achieving my educational goals, I envisioned myself continuing to contribute a portion of my time and knowledge to the population of children and adults. experiencing sudden changes in the criminal justice and education system. I enjoy improving the quality of life for others and hope to leave behind my contributions as an educator and criminologist.


Victims of Intimate Partner Violence and Workplace Instability

The purpose of this book is to expose the implications of domestic violence on the status and stability of employment for victims who work in the public sector. A twofold question includes: What aspects of victims’ perspectives of intimate partner violence can give insight on what public employers need to do to create employment stability? What aspects of a victim’s perspective on intimate partner violence can provide insight to employers inside the workplace for policies and practices that support victim disclosure and support? Such documented information concerning the effects of intimate partner violence and victims’ employment status; involves employees who suffer inside the workplace from domestic violence. The implication as it relates to dynamics of positive change; much is needed to increase awareness for the voices of victims, to break down the anatomy of intimate partner violence inside the public work sector, and to understand the fundaments flawed of premises.

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